ONYX ERP Computing Clients
ONYX ERP Computing Clients
Najd Telecom Company
A company for marketing mobile phones and various communication technologies with branches spread in Saudi Arabia. The company uses Onyx ERP to operate and manage its branches with all financial, human capital and mobile maintenance systems dedicated to organizing company services. Najd Telecom has been achieving a strong performance in organizing its affairs and using its results.
Tawfiq Abdul Rahim Mutahhar Group
An oil investment group that has many products and services. The group runs various financial and marketing operations with Onyx ERP solutions in its central administration, branches and investment units. It uses all Onyx financial and administrative systems, assets systems and all components of human capital system in order to organize performance and ensure first hand access to results.
Al-Kabous Group
It is one of the commercial and industrial houses whose investments and factories are distributed in a number of countries of the world. The nobility of its production of Yemeni coffee is linked to the heritage of the Yemeni Agate Onyx ERP, which provides integrated solutions in group factories, departments and branches. Onyx ERP manages details of its financial operations, costs, production and assets operations. Human capital systems deal with employees’ affairs. Retail systems manage access to customers, marketing and sales.
Textile and Readymade Garments (Saudi Thobe) Co.
One of Dallah Al-Baraka companies where head office manages production units and sales operations via contracts with major clients and retail branches spread in the Kingdom. The technical management opted for Onyx ERP solutions for all financial and administrative needs, assets solutions, factory production and costs and points of sale for branches activities as well as Onyx mobile applications and self-service to organize employees services. With Onyx solutions, the factory achieved organizational stability and institutional development that made it possible to focus on new market opportunities.
Kamaran Company for Industry and Investment
A Yemeni industrial and commercial joint stock company with industrial, agricultural, marketing and investment administrative units. It uses Onyx ERP in operating and managing its units and branches in the areas of accounts, inventory, purchases, sales, assets, as well as all human capital systems and industrial management systems in production processes, costs and distribution system to deliver its products to agents. The company has achieved successes and investment growth supported by the stability of its management performance.
General Corporation for Social Security
A Yemeni governmental insurance institution for private sector employees run by a board of directors from the private and governmental sectors with branches in all governorates. It uses Onyx ERP to operate and manage its units in the areas of accounts, inventory, purchases, assets and all human capital systems. Its performance has developed distinctly with Onyx ERP.
Yemen International Telecommunications Company – Tele-Yemen
A government company specialized in providing and managing international communications services, based on an international partnership, with many operating and service branches. It uses Onyx ERP solutions to manage and operate all its units, divisions and branches in accounts, inventory, purchases, sales, assets, human capital, business intelligence reports and in the international telecom billing for its clients. It achieves the performance it aspires to in managing its business.
Al-haiba International Paints Factories
With its high and renewable production capacity in the market of pastes and paints, Al-Haiba Company in Jeddah decided that Onyx ERP would be its strategic success partner. Onyx solutions handle financial and administrative operations, production management accounts, costs, quality, assets management, depreciation and maintenance, and uses human capital systems to manage personnel affairs. The strategic partnership with Onyx Pro ERP extends to organizing and managing the financial and administrative operations of its investment institutions in a number of activities, achieving its detailed results and reaching the general results as a holding company.